quinta-feira, 17 de setembro de 2015




       Brazilian law to press exists, however, it provides an incredible unknown, and a fact that favorable a terrible deception, for you to react against a television station in justice, not enough to have witnesses who claim to have seen the report, you need a recording of fact, only this gives you a disgusting condition, you by any chance you can not write, you can even buy it you know when the report was shown on television;The condition also allows a more intriguing analysis, you by any chance you do not know the story happened, simply, you can get without you defend, after all you are not a psychic to guess when a fact was mentioning about you, legislation to impute obligation to Brazilian journalist to present overwhelming evidence about the report, however, not always this happens giving doubt to the veracity of the facts, when a story takes place in the presence of one interviewee, there is proof of the fact because it demonstrated the presence of a person and his theory of a fact, however, when it is done only the remark with the statement, what someone has said in news, in this case there is only doubt.The Brazilian press even has powers to do so, just as journalists from around the world, because it does not need according to the law expose always, all authors of a complaint, there are situations that do not require the presentation of the source of the complaint, keeping the individual in perfect anonymity.
        The logic urges that all concealment, reflects the lack of knowledge of an individual, for what you is an attitude in simply knowing interpret it, and in the same way for masking, it uses the fact that the individual is layman, however sets - that all of us somes laity, to the meaning of concealing the press, it is obvious that you have no access to the news source, we always have the predilection to not believe in what is being presented to society, however, not everyone has this thought and influence each other to a report; And itself becomes obvious, that the press by all the aforementioned features, it has all the possibility of disseminating news, as you prefer do - it and indefinitely, creating the version you want and setting, your preference as a fact for a situation, as the usefulness of this is contradictory because it is also a fact that not everyone has the ability to understand many situations, having their opinions formed from the opinion of journalists, "Credibility is certainly something you conquer and sport - if, has not to do with the preference simply wanting to believe in something, or a person, "it is something that has forcefulness and is proven.A mindset when it is misused, is the perfect precedent for hypocrisy itself establish therefore credi bility can also be a personal right of every person, however, emphasize that the transformation of a lie into a truth and is a deception also cause, the effect of leading to harmful way, a life or a whole society, because the power to establish that a situation itself, and if the effect is negative can also be irreversible, and is a way to influence usurper.
            Freedom of the press is a fundamental object to a journalist working in the world, however, its real purpose is a company, a consumer has rights guaranteed by law, therefore, the right to choose WHAT want to see, and how need to understand facts and situations it is simply not a right of the journalist, when a professional chooses to lies, besides being misrepresenting the meaning of the concept, also this usurping of innocence of an entire society, and profiting from criminal way for this inducing people to believe in facts that did not happen out as described;The true concept underlies is actually a source of published news, but with the journalist's characteristics, its usefulness is to make known to all, facts and Brazil and the world of everyday situation, provides the ability to think about world, and also removes people from the disposal, making it possible for people the opportunity to realize that they are not isolated from humanity.The concept when applied by a biased journalism, especially when exercised by cunning professionals, in addition to deceive an entire society, also sets the illicit enrichment of practice, through the profit they get from the disclosed lie, destroying the true beneficiary of the concept "Press Freedom" which is humanity, and deceiving the whole world, and when we refer to the broadcasters, we must consider that every disclosure, a news happens through satellites, so the engambelação level is international.
          The Constitution of Brazil determines fundamental rights for citizens, such as freedom of expression and Equal Rights, so it should be easy to react against the Brazilian press, however, in the way the facts were mentioned, I emphasize to do justice against the press,It is almost impossible because it is necessary, discard a large shield to achieve react in the Brazilian courts against the press;The situation only represent impunity for a nation, it also represents a great mental torture, from the affliction that an individual passes to make justice happen, it can be considered a crime against human rights, because it is torture for the mind person, develop the whole judicial process.The main thing is to have to have to watch people who have never seen you in person citing daily facts that circumvent an entire society about you, these conditions provided a real stroke of audience, a fact that constitutes a repulsive and inhuman crime, because it deprives one person of the right to integrity and dignity, by usurping the lack of action to resolve the fact, or because of the difficulties of the person involved in the report.

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