A competent government is one that knows how to promote the necessary benefits so that citizens of a city, state or country can live with prosperity and honesty, an affirmation like this is what all nations deserve, but when the government does not know To practice this logic, or do not want, certainly all will suffer the consequences, of an incoherent or incompetent administration, after all, if a citizen does not have the capacity to support himself, certainly, he will live with all kinds of difficulties; And if the government does not have projects that it provides for people, benefits such as the payment of a salary, so that the individual can buy food, and based on a standard of simple quality of life, poverty will be established in a society, because of People's difficulty in obtaining their own sustenance, and this is a logic to be available, for all to see in all nations. So it means that there is an irrefutable, administrative or political theory that determines only a concept of prosperity, to be used in a country that benefits all the citizens of a country, a concept of opportunistic and honest economic development, that really propitiates A fixed behavior, whose main peculiarity is to promote the existence of the emergence of all, the types of honest new business, with the intention of stimulating the emergence of companies of all kinds, in a pattern of always progressive behavior, whose purpose is The citizens of that city, state or country, there is an opportunity to have their own way of sustaining themselves, through their own jobs or their companies, without requiring the government to create public assistance projects, in order to sustain them by maintaining The monthly payment, of a value with intention to promote, resources for the society to sustain itself, because of The obligation to do to be determined by law. After all, to make the nation independent of these types of government benefits, it prevents the government from acquiring indiscriminate expenditures, and allows the government to invest better in all sectors of society, which provides a better standard of living for the entire nation, Investing in education, public health and security are inevitable facts for the government, but also investing in infrastructure projects or works that promote the economic development of a region, is incisively unavoidable and indisputable, if the government does not do so, he It neither promotes nor is there prosperity, nor the real improvements to the quality of life of every nation.
Infrastructure projects or works that the government needs to do to stimulate economic development in a city, state or country, always aim at the emergence of commerce, companies and services, facts that always promote, the movement of consumption of products and Money in a society, in a period varying according to the possibility of providing, there are presence of these types of businesses in a region, therefore, the beginning for all these events or phase to happen, depend intrinsically on the types of works that must irrefutably be made, To really create irreversibly the economic growth of the city, state, country or a specific region; The works must undo all the difficulties, so that the society establishes itself in that place, and can coexist with patterns of minimum difficulties, so that the development of a strong commerce is created, whose objective is to provide for the society there is security, that does not Will cope with periodic crises, provided because of the absence of intelligent resources, to reverse unfavorable situations that impose irreversible damages, for there are existences of businesses in that place. The true development of the economy of cities around the world, evolved from these concepts and always provided, the emergence of strong and developed economies, because it has always allowed people, there is an opportunity to establish themselves in that place, because of the certainty that they would live In that place, it is emphasized that even with simplicity, however, with a minimum of prosperity that makes it possible for everyone to live in dignity and honor, without needing the support of anyone, not even the government, it is observed that all great civilizations , Evolved from basic concepts such as the presence of water "Rivers and lakes", a fertile soil, which are favorable conditions for the development, of a strong agriculture and livestock, for the maintenance of the presence of people in a place, also It is observed the presence of animals to hunt, an important fact that provided, for people there is possibility of eating meat, until the development of pec Or the domestication of animals for own consumption, therefore, the principle of any development of a city, state or country, can still be considered to be through the possibility of promoting agriculture and livestock, which stimulates the consumption of products And services, and provide people with opportunities, to develop an economy there.
The economic development of all regions of a country is an important fact that benefits the entire nation, because it strengthens the country's economy by assuring the government, there is always a possibility of a strong surplus, a factor that provides the government with the possibility of costing Of all the responsibilities established by legislation, such as Education, Public Safety and Health, in addition to the country's own public debt, but also allows the government to have money to invest in all matters that benefit the nation; The way the government has to raise funds for all these responsibilities has always been to raise or raise taxes to raise money, giving the government the supposedly ideal potential. Intelligent, as well as the economic development of a region, because it foretells the increase of the purchasing power of the consumers, a fact that also increases the collection of taxes, as well as the creation of jobs, and the stimulus so that there is no emigration "Exodus Rural "indiscriminately. This fact is often detrimental, for the individual who chooses to do so, due to his own lack of preparation, for living in other regions of the country, whose illiteracy obliges the person, to be subject to any type of employment, to Self-support, it is emphasized if the person is lucky enough to get a job, and this creates types of poverty or poverty that compels people, there are indiscriminate communities formed, according to the possibility of sustaining them, such as the emergence Of the favelas and slums themselves, adaptable facts there is a need for accommodation of people, for their own realities of daily life, and living with the violence that all these situations provoke.
One fact is indisputable for all countries, humanity has historically managed to accommodate itself in situations of survival everywhere, and this has allowed the whole planet to be inhabited, yet it is also noticeable that countless civilizations still subsist in many places, Coexisting with types of underdevelopment, because of the type of soil, lack of food or problems encouraged by government policy, problems caused by the climatic conditions of each region of the country, periods of drought due to the absence of rainfall, a fact Which can last for consecutive years, and which promotes the scarcity of water in the region, a fact that destroys both agriculture and livestock in these places, and also promotes poverty and misery for the region's residents; The losses are irreversible for all citizens who live with this type of problem, after all, the animals die because they do not have water to drink, nor is it possible to provide adequate food for the animals, and the dry plantation because the land can not be Irrigated, is a period of difficulty in which the owner of the farm chooses to feed himself and his own family, than to feed the animals as well, and this makes it difficult for the owners to sell the production of the period and, consequently, The owner obtains profit for the maintenance of the next production or his own sustenance, situations of this type are only a small example of the losses acquired in a period, the people living in arid and semi-arid places coexist with a certain constant incognito determined by the rain itself In the period to get lucky in agriculture, and keep the animals alive, they live completely at the mercy of the weather, with freq Of resource shortages to live in dignity. It is undeniable that such situations are important, they are harmful to the whole nation, it is not simply for people who live in terrible conditions, but because "The poor are an avid consumer of products, that the rich do not consume in large quantities as food And drinks, and is always a trivial food daily, "a fact that boasts there is a sector of the country's economy, which are the food and beverage industries, and cheap products and of great relevance to their daily lives, and which also Thousands of people are employed, however, the main one needs to be mentioned, the low purchasing power of the inhabitants of these regions, as a consequence, creates a very low tax collection, a very low consumption of many products and services, is a part of the society that Living in a condition of imposition of confinement in poverty, a fact that does not contribute to any benefit or to people, does not stimulate growth And that the government needs to be competent, to create projects that reverse these situations, in order to promote the true policy of social inclusion, which allows every nation the possibility of living with dignity.
Projects to combat misery and the difficulties of living in arid and semi arid regions are not difficult to find, they are indeed indispensable for the development of a country, and the best methods must be constantly researched, so that they can be implemented In the country, it is an irrefutable truth that from the moment that humanity began to create technologies, a revolution of useful and indispensable behaviors was provided, which enabled the emergence of economic powers, therefore, exemplifications on this fact becomes inevitable ; The Suez Canal, Panama Canal, railways, trains, roads, automobiles, electric power, hydroelectric plants, sharpness, these are just some elucidations, which made trade feasible among nations, but had a positive effect in each country, meanwhile. , For the specific subject that is the fight against the underdevelopment of a region, or of a country, to mention the possibility of making artesian wells, is only a palliative solution of the problem, or merely personal solution of a residence or a farmer, does not correspond For a whole region of a country, or for a nation although it may be used by all, however, there must be groundwater in the region, and money for each person to have, his own well on his property, as well as specific technology for Do the artesian wells, and each family must also have money, to finance everything related to this type of work, especially if the state can not Projects of this type for the whole community. A problem of this type is enough so that each person or region as a whole continues to live unproductively, however, it is emphasized that for this there is a type of business that is not practiced, credit banks should have the possibility of elaborating proposals Of financing for loans, with the specific purpose of sponsoring these types of projects, so that people drill artesian wells, and through that they could irrigate plantations, have water to give water to the animals of their creation, and for the family to use However, even the simplest proposals are difficult for the residents to pay for this type of financing because of the pessimism of being able to produce enough money per month to pay off the debt they have acquired. Specific clause on how to pay the debt, which is provided to the individual concerned In the loan, there is a possibility of starting to pay the financing only after the sale of the first agricultural production, whose minimum period for starting the payment would be 6 months after buying the loan, in the case of livestock Reproduce different for each species, a fact that prevents the owner from having a definition of profit, about how many animals could sell to be able to repay the loan, therefore, there is a need to improve this type of loan, so that it can be made feasible In the country.
The Transposition of the São Francisco River is the fact that it can be considered an inauguration, a new phase of prosperity for the Northeastern and for Brazil, an indispensable project that should have happened more than 50 years ago, eliminating in this way all the difficulties For the true, economic development of this region, since "The water for the northeastern who lives in the polygon of drought has an inestimable value, has life value, has the same value as the air we breathe", has the meaning of a period of A phase that eliminates all the worst difficulties; Brazil is the country with the largest river basin in the world, so this work should be only one among many for the benefit of the region, so as the river São Francisco is close, the work started exactly through it, but should To carry out works of transposition of the Amazon River leading to the northeast to improve the concept started, thus eliminating all water shortages, "Making water reach all taps of properties in the northeast is only logical, after all, everyone depends Of water in daily life, including all kinds of trade in the region, "factories depend on water to produce, not only are there agriculture and livestock and people benefited, by this type of social entrepreneurship of the Brazilian government, industry will acquire from This is a major strength to establish in the northeast, including companies interested in having a branch in the region, will have more security In order to act, there is an expansion of their own businesses, because as a consequence of this investments the purchasing power of the Northeastern society tends to increase in an unequaled way.
Investments such as the Transposition of the São Francisco River are indispensable for every nation and especially for the residents affected directly by the semi-arid climate, because individually they benefit the people who have initiative, to obtain the water of these channels, to supply their properties and to irrigate Keeping livestock in healthy conditions, simply buy hydraulic pumps and pump water to reservoirs; A procedure that can be adopted by all, either individually or through cooperatives, a fact that can be planned and administered by the cooperative, distributing water to all farms in the region, or small communities an amount of water, compatible with the possibility of developing Of all daily tasks, providing people with the comfort they will not experience again, the phases of difficulties caused by the lack of rain for agriculture and livestock, providing people with possibilities, being productive and able to promote their own prosperity, An irreversible, irrefutable and intelligent way, imposing a definitive end to the cycle of slavery of misery in this region of the country. Such ideas as the creation of cooperatives, to solve common problems for a community, requires constant improvement and immediacy for pretension, to obtain the advantages that promote the independence of each person, and dissemination in all cities that there is mobilization always with immediacy, Whose main purpose is precisely to expedite, the use of this resource created by the Brazilian government, and its benefits as an undeniable normal consequence, after all, this promotes protection for each person of this region, and for all Brazil quickly the advantages arising from this actions, is A fact that must be taught to the Brazilian, to earn honestly, constantly and daily, to spread and teach daily business ideas, from Brazil and the world to always alert people, about the possibilities of obtaining advantages and profit to sustain themselves, that attitude is The real fight for a person's crisis, or real combat For economic crisis of a country, it is regrettable that the press does not have the interest to do this, there would be solution to numerous problems in the world, the spread of all kinds of new business, since small or great innovative ideas, are always great Business for all humanity.